Profile Summary

Medical Qualification: MBBS, MS (ENT), MCh (Head Neck)

Designation: Consultant, Surgical Oncology

Years of experience: 12 years

Areas of expertise:

  • Head & Neck Cancers
  • Skull base surgeries
  • Sleep Medicine
  • Tobacco Cessation Expert
  • Robotic Head & Neck Surgeries


Dr. Snehal Shah is a Consultant Head & Neck Oncosurgeon trained at Tata Memorial Hospital over a period of 8 years. He completed MCH in head neck in 2019.

Dr. Snehal got diploma degree in skull base from VARESE, Italy and also got trained at Pittsburg University, USA. He received fellowship in sleep medicine surgery from Singapore and underwent training in Robotic head neck from Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

Dr. Shah is a certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist.

Awards & Publications:


  • Best Poster Award at International Agency for cancer research (IACIR) conference (2017)
  • Best Paper at ISO Conference 2019 for 'Involvement of Neurovascular bundle as the criterion for T4A tongue squamous cancers'
  • 2nd Prize for Best Poster at IARC (2017)

Paper Presentations:

  • Presented a paper titled EPU LES at National Conference AOICON, Mumbai in January (2010)
  • Oral presentation at GAP conference, South Korea (2014)
  • Oral presentation at FHNO Chennai (2019)

Conferences Attended:

  • Participated in the 5th Annual Conference of the Association of Phonosurgeons of India in March (2009)
  • 83rd Temporal Bone Workshop in December 2011 at Dr. Morwani, Nanavati Hospital
  • Participated in ESS Workshop in September 2011 at KEM Hospital
  • Participated in LARYNGOLOGY UPDATE
  • Participated in Ear & Sinus surgery workshop 2012 at Indorewala ENT Hospital
  • Participated as Delegate with Cadaveric Dissection in IX Basic Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Workshop 2012 at LTMMC & GH Mumbai
  • Participated in 1st ever Sleep Apnoea Surgery Workshop in June (2012)
  • Participated in 2nd HEAD & NECK SURGICAL WORKSHOP in January (2012)
  • Podium presentation at GAP conference 2015 South Korea for 'Preliminary results of rural oral screening trial'
  • Survival Anlysis conference, Chennai (2015)

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