Profile Summary

Medical Qualification: M.S. (ENT) & Diploma in Lateral Skull Base Surgery

Designation: Director, E.N.T.

Years of experience: 20+ years

Areas of expertise:

  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
  • Endoscopic Skull - Base Surgery
  • Microlaryngeal Surgery
  • Minimal access ENT Surgery
  • Tympano - Mastoid Surgery
  • Stapes Surgery
  • Oral/Mouth Cancer Surgery
  • Laryngeal Cancer Surgery
  • Neck Dissections
  • Thyroid Surgery
  • Nasal Fractures
  • Foreign Bodies in Ear, Nose and Throat
  • Sleep - Apnea Surgery


Dr. Gaurav Chaturvedy, after completing MBBS, pursued MS (ENT). He worked in the ENT department at AIIMS, Delhi for 6 years. He was mainly involved with surgical, clinical, teaching and research activities.

Dr. Gaurav was also involved in developing educational and training material for Rehabilitation of patients receiving Cochlear Implants. He worked as an Assistant Professor for 3 years in Department ENT, MGMCH, Jaipur. He was then Director for the department of ENT, ESIC Hospital, Jaipur.

Since 2014 he has been a Consultant ENT at various hospitals in Mumbai. Since last 5 years he is the Director of the ENT department at Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre.

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